The Sarah Anne Adoption Agency

And Anne Smith’s Story

About Sarah Anne Adoption Agency

Welcome to the Sarah Anne Adoption Agency, where we unite hearts to create loving families. Our mission is to ensure a smooth and supportive adoption journey for adoptees, birth parents, and hopeful parents, demonstrating that love truly knows no bounds. We provide a comprehensive range of resources to guide you through every step, turning your adoption dreams into reality.

We are a dedicated community committed to bringing families together. Our goal is to help adoptees feel connected and supported in their communities, allowing them to pursue their unique gifts throughout every stage of life. With our extensive resources and ever-expanding support team, we strive to assist in any way we can.

Anne's Story

Anne's Story

Looking back on my life I see where God has had His hand on me. I was born into a Christian family, but due to my mom’s age, illness, and inability to take care of me, my grandmother had to make the difficult decision to place me up for adoption. My birth mother named me Sarah, but in order to protect me from experiencing harm from my biological father a decision was made by a social worker who was taking care of my adoption to rename me Anne Marie. I was adopted into a loving Christian home. Every person I am related to biologically or through adoption has had a very significant role in my life story to bring me to where I am today. God ensured that evil did not win in my story. He has turned those difficult early circumstances in my life into good as He accomplished His plan for His glory.

I was very blessed to be adopted and I want to be able to pass that on to other adoptees, birth mothers, fathers, and to the forever families. I realize that not all adoptions are as seamless, nor are the outcomes as good as mine has been, but I have an increasing desire to come alongside families who are having to navigate these challenging, emotionally charged decisions, working to make the process as meaningful as possible.

In November of 2022, I felt God’s call on my heart to open up the Sarah Anne Adoption Agency. As the name suggest, it is my desire to assist in the blending of both the birth and adopted families, believing they each experience wholeness and peace in the adoption process as they make the next, best right decision for the child.

My hope is for families to thrive, no matter what difficulties come in their life. James 1:27 commands us to take care of the orphans in their distress, and working together, I believe we can help birth parents find the best home for their child and that adopted children can be deeply connected to their loving, nurturing forever families.

James 1:27

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”


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Mailing address:
P.O. Box 573
New Boston, MI 48164